Join Our Society
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Sunnyside Acres Heritage Society (SAHS). Membership fees are used to conduct Society business, organize events, and purchase supplies. The cost of membership is $10 per family/individual. Pay by eTransfer or cheque as described below.
Step 1. Submit a membership application online (or download the Membership Application then mail in with your cheque).
Emails are used to send through a quarterly newsletter to members, advise of membership renewal dates, and occasionally to advise of upcoming events. Email addresses and personal information are not shared with any other person or organization.
Addresses are used to send membership cards (giving access to discounts at Potters and Art Knapp).
Step 2. Choose a method of payment:
Send an eTransfer
of $10 to the following address:
(NOTE: Please ensure that you have already filled in the information above before sending an e-transfer)
Snail Mail
Mail a cheque ($10) to the
following address:
Sunnyside Acres Heritage Society
14186 25A Ave
Surrey, B C
V4P 2E8
Step 3. Await your membership card and receipt in the mail.
Member Benefits
See below for a few benefits and opportunities available to members of SAHS.
Working with Youth
Our participation in Surrey's Natural Areas Partnership (SNAP) allows us to mentor youth interested in pursuing a career in environmental education and conservation. In addition, we are continually seeking youth volunteers on special projects and initiatives.
You will be provided with all the materials and knowledge necessary to become a proactive member. Opportunities include becoming a bin keeper and volunteering to empty city bins from two park locations for local garbage pick-up.
We put together an informative newsletter four times a year to let you know what the pressing issues are in the forest, interesting ecological features of the forest, and other important information for our members to know.
Discounts at Local Stores
Display your membership card at Art Knapp, and Potters for at discount on select items.
Promotion of Nature Conservation
From letter writing and attending meetings, to joining committees and roving through the park, there will be many opportunities for you to have a proactive voice for nature conservation. You can make a difference for the forest!
Training and Capacity - Building
We offer simple training for any members who wish to host guided nature walks.
Getting Involved
There are many ways for members to participate in our society. Depending on your availability and interests, consider the following roles. Contact us at sunnysideacresheritagesociety@gmail.com if you have any questions about what is involved.
Board of Directors
This is one of the most effective ways you can make a difference for our society: by lending your time, energy, and enthusiasm to ensure our society runs smoothly and effectively. See "Who We Are" for a full list of positions.
Volunteer Nature Interpreter & Tour Guide
Do you have interest in leading groups of people through nature? Would you like to learn about the principles of nature interpretation? Our volunteer guides play an important role by leading people through the forest, telling our story, encouraging stewardship, and fostering connections within the forest.
Volunteer as Forest Observers
Do you enjoy simply walking through the park? Why not keep an eye out for us, and report anything you see? We will provide you with the guidelines on what to look for and who to report to, as well as some handy brochures to give out if you see anyone along the way.
Urban Forestry Committee Representative
As a director, you are eligible to be our representative on the 11-member Sunnyside Acres Urban Forest Advisory Committee. The committee has a wider representation than the society, but plays a complementary role in management of the forest and promoting the ecological integrity of the forest for future generations.
Youth Mentor
We enjoy working with Surrey's Natural Areas Partnership (SNAP) and other youth organizations in Surrey dedicated to the conservation of nature. Our members help encourage youth on their journey to becoming future leaders.
Foster the Forest
A Membership loyalty option that involves a virtual connection with an individual tree in the Forest. The tree will be visible from the Park's boundary roads; its characteristics described and importance detailed.